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NMC 2017 Workshops

Once again we are  hosting seven workshop tracks with something for everyone.

The following is a list of titles and track leaders.  More details will be posted as they are confirmed.

1. Working with Indigenous Youth – Cheryl Bear (with Tim Huff)
2. Health & Resiliency – Wayne Friesen
3. Supervision – Brett Andrews, Shaun Funk and Wayne Friesen
4. Critical Youth Issues – Iona Snair
5. ED/Board – Tim Coles
6. Operations at a Higher Level – Maureen Pryce & Dennis Clark
7. Student Spiritual Formation – Ryan Galashan & friends

Track 1 – Working with Indigenous Youth

So, What Now?… The Non-Indigenous Path Towards Better
Thursday, June 29 – 11am-12pm
Presented by Tim Huff
A workshop on Indigenous truth, understanding and sacredness in Canada, led by a middle-aged white guy from Toronto!? Sounds wrong, right? Tim Huff agrees, but with Cheryl Bear’s blessing, he will make sure it leads well into her sessions to follow. The “Dear Parents and Teachers” letter from the book they co-authored – The Honour Drum: Sharing the Beauty of Canada’s Indigenous People with Children, Families and Classrooms, will be used to open up the floodgates of honesty and transparency required for non-Indigenous sisters and brothers to get their heads and hearts past the “So, what now?” question. (All attendees will get a free copy of The Honour Drum.)
Mother Earth and Other Thoughts
Friday, June 30 – 11am-12pm
Presented by Cheryl Bear
Cheryl will explore the simplicity and complexity associated with the indigenous understanding
and respect towards creation and creation care.WORKSHOP C
Indigenous worldview, culture and values
Friday, June 30 – 1:30pm-2:30pm
Presented by Cheryl Bear
This workshop will explore some of the beauty and mystery of indigenous worldview, culture and values. It will help participants to be able to appreciate, without fear, as well as broaden awareness and deepen respect.

Track 2 – Health and Resiliency

Workshop A
Strengthening Couple Connection
Thursday, June 29th, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Wayne Friesen
When the relationship with our partner is good, everything feels smoother and easier but staying connected is easier said than done! In this workshop you will gain an understanding of some underlying factors that will help you to keep a strong connection with your partner and reduce seasons of disconnection.
Workshop B
Brain Science and Loving Others and Ourselves
Friday, June 30th, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Valerie Wiebe
Our brains are wired to respond when we perceive threat or attack. This can help keep us safe from harm; however, many of us have developed default settings that keep us reacting to past threats in the present. This not only interferes with our ability to feel safe and love others freely, it also impacts our experience of God and our attitude towards ourselves. This workshop will explore ways to interrupt these patterns, develop resiliency and deepen our capacity to receive love and extend compassion.
Workshop C
Experiencing Freedom in Singleness
Friday, June 30th, 1:30-2:30pm
Presented by Shaunna Goode
How do you wear your singleness? Is it a burden or a blessing? Are you simply surviving or are you thriving? In this workshop we take a holistic look at singleness and explore what it means to live a balanced, healthy, contented single life.

Track 3 – Supervision

Workshop A
Flight from Savo
Thursday, June 29th, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Brett Andrews & Shaun Funk
In this workshop participants will observe and experience the 5 basic supervisory skills in action as they work together to solve a significant and challenging crisis simulation.
Workshop B
Applying the 5 Skills of Supervision
Friday, June 30th, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Brett Andrews & Shaun Funk
Picking up where we left off in Workshop 1: Flight from Savo, participants will now further explore the 5 supervisory skills by completing a self-assessment, critically reflecting on what it takes to supervise well and learning to apply the 5 skills to their ministry settings.
Workshop C
Caring for and Developing our Staff Persons
Friday, June 30th, 1:30-2:30pm
Presented by Wayne Friesen & Kevin Hamp
In this workshop participants will explore a structure for conducting supervisory meetings, and learn more about tools and resources for caring about our staff’s health, resiliency and effectiveness.

Track 4 – Critical Youth Issues

Workshop A
Caging the Lion: Journeying Well with High Conflict Youth
Thursday, June 29th, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Matt Bergen & Jason Hradoway
We all know the kid – the one who blows up regularly leaving collateral damage all around them. And usually, it’s someone else’s fault! But high conflict youth are also filled with conflict inside and need the understanding and compassion a youth worker can bring. This workshop will provide you with some practical ideas for safely managing the blow ups for all involved and for stepping toward the hearts of high conflict kids with the love of God.
Workshop B
Messing With My Head: Understanding Kids with Mental Health Concerns
Friday, June 30th, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Iona Snair
When we talk about vulnerable teens, those with mental health difficulties find themselves near the top of our lists. So what does a youth worker who cares about them need to know to walk well with these kids? Come to this workshop and find out.
Workshop C
Trauma and Loss: Stepping into the Pain
Friday, June 30th, 1:30-2:30pm
Presented by Kent Dueck
Kids who have experienced trauma are often left stuck, and shut down emotionally as a result. Trauma can be the cause of many of the troubling behaviours we see. This workshop recognizes that as youth workers it can be difficult to know how to address these experiences, but we can acknowledge their impact and the pain that comes with them. And we can acknowledge the impact that walking with trauma-filled kids has on us, as we walk together toward hope and healing.

Track 5 – ED/Board

Workshop A

Workshop B
The Ideal Team Player: tips for growing a hungry, humble and smart team
Friday, June 30th, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Tim Coles
Do you want to work in a strong team environment where team members are all working together toward the same goals? Have you ever wondered why parts of your ministry seem to be pulling in different directions, rather than rowing in the same rhythm toward the same goal? The Ideal Team Player, by Patrick Lencioni has some very simple and helpful tips to recognize and cultivate the three essential virtues of The Ideal Team Player. The first 12 workshop attendees will receive a complementary copy of The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni.

Workshop C
Chapter Self-Review – Taking your Chapter from Good to Great
Friday, June 30th, 1:30-2:30pm
Presented by Tim Coles
How are you evaluating your chapter’s effectiveness? Do you have a strategic plan with specific measurable goals? How are you measuring the effectiveness of the Board, leadership, staff care and development, fundraising and ministry models? Sometimes to get to the right answers to these, we need to start by asking ourselves some simply pointed questions. Participants will leave the workshop with a Chapter Self Assessment Tool and an eagerness to begin taking steps toward greatness as a chapter!

Track 6 – Operations at a Higher Level

Workshop A
YFC Benefits and Retirement Plan
Thursday, June 29th, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Brian Girvan
The YFC Benefits and Retirement plan exists for you. Find out how you and your chapter can get the most out of the YFC benefits plan and how you can take positive steps toward planning and maximizing your retirement savings.
Workshop B
Professional Relationships
Friday, June 30th, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Jamie Knight
In our actions and our relationships, each of us is representing YFC and its mission in everything we do. As such, we need to set boundaries and, in doing so, we need to understand the kinds of boundaries that need to be set. Without boundaries, we put ourselves at risk, and we also risk the good name and hard-earned reputation of YFC itself. This workshop will help us establish an appropriate behavioural framework to free us to truly be a “model of good works” (Titus 2:7).
Workshop C
10 Tips for using Silent Partner Cloud to its full potential
Friday, June 30th, 1:30-2:30pm
Presented by Scott Brereton & Keli Chiu
The Silent Partner Cloud has become an integral tool for YFC Staff Members across Canada. Our informative and fun session will focus on how you can get the most out of the Silent Partner Cloud. This workshop is open to anyone already using Silent Partner and to any staff who want to learn more about how this program can help track and communicate with their partners. Explore how you can get the most out of the included Reports, CRM, Communication and other features.

Track 7 –  Student Spiritual Formation

Workshop A
Taking Opportunities to Share the Gospel
Thursday, June 29, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Ryan Rempel
In this workshop we are going to talk about WHY we share the Gospel, HOW we actually do it and WHAT constitutes an “opportunity” to share our faith. When we are prepared to be available to God, expect Him to do BIG things.
Workshop B
Taking the SCARE out of SHARE (Part 1)
Friday, June 30, 11:00am-12:00pm
Presented by Paul Emmer & Ryan Galashan
In a world gone mad, students are hungry for spiritual conversations. Are you ready? Do you want more tools to help make it easier?  So do your staff, students and volunteers. This workshop is about getting into some crazy fun tools that can help you create life changing conversations and equip students and volunteers to share what they believe.
Workshop C
Taking the SCARE out of SHARE (Part 2)
Friday, June 30, 1:30-2:30pm
Presented by Paul Emmer & Ryan Galashan

Let’s see how God surprises us when we learn from our peers. In this workshop, we’ll have round table discussions on the discipleship tools you have found to be effective with your students. Plus, we’ll look at a new discipleship system that can deliver content, solicit feedback and create connection using the one piece of technology that never leaves their side – their cell phone. In addition, we’ll be joined by representatives from Alpha Canada.